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About CalTeach Learning Lab!

 The CalTeach Learning Lab is a K-12 STEM outreach laboratory at UC Merced. It serves as an outreach STEM hub for K-12 classrooms and introduces students to STEAM in hands-on and exciting ways!

The CalTeach Learning Lab is open for field trips from September through April of the Academic year! During summer, the CalTeach Learning Lab is home to the annual Bobcat Summer STEM Academy! BSA offers week-long elementary and middle school STEM academies as well as shortened college prep academies for high school students. BSA runs mid-June through July each year. Instructors in the CalTeach Learning Lab are UC Merced undergraduate students who are part of the CalTeach Teacher Training Program and are future STEM educators!

Are you ready for your students to NOTICE...QUESTION...and WONDER about the world around them?

Click to Reserve your trip today! 


Click here to look Inside Our Learning Lab!


CalTeach Learning Lab Contact:

Mariah Gonsalez

CalTeach Director of K12 Outreach and Education

To set up an appointment with the Learning Lab Director, please schedule here.

Science and Engineering 1 Building, Room 270
Sustainability Research and Engineering, Room 209
